New Opportunities for a New Season
e*Train Spring Edition Online
This spring’s edition is now available for your learning and enjoyment.
With 22 new and updated articles and dozens of toy train images, it’s yet another building block in TCA’s presentation of authoritative information for our hobby.
New techniques, old memories, improved pictures and discussions … billboards, MOW cars, restorations, Lionel’s repurposing of old car designs, everything up to the Atomic Age … it’s all there, written by skilled TCA members and carefully presented.
National Toy Train Museum To Reopen
We thought it would never come, but with spring at hand and safety precautions in place, the Museum will be reopening on April 2. This will follow the traditional weekend schedule until June 1, when the 7-day schedule will start.
Inside, exhibits are still being enhanced. We’ll share photos after the dust has settled!
Available Cars:
We have a small number of extra cars on hand, left over from previous TCA offers.
2019 LionScale O Rio Grande Motorway TOFC – $89.95 each
2020 LionScale O Seaboard Flatcar Set
Order either road number at $89.95 each, or order the set with both road numbers for $169.95.
2020 Disney Christmas Car – $99.95
To order, call Stacy Leigh at the National Business Office at 717 687-8623, extension 104. Very limited supply. When they’re gone, they’re gone!
Reminder: TCA National Election Nearing Completion
Members who have not yet voted are encouraged to cast their ballots in the National Election. The election period closes at the end of this month.
Several national offices are up for election:
- President-Elect
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
In addition, several Bylaw amendments require approval to take effect. One in particular will enable a new member dues structure which can save you money by paying for 3-year or 5-year memberships. You can save even more by agreeing to rely on electronic publications and utilizing online methods instead of costly US Mail. Current memberships will remain available too.
There are two ways to vote, and you can only utilize the method your record allows:
By Paper. Copies of the printed ballot were included in the March National Headquarters News. In case you didn’t receive it, click here to print one out. It must be returned by US Mail.
By Online Ballot. If you opted in to Online Voting in your TCA profile, you have received a special email that provides a link to vote quickly online.
Remember, you can cast only one ballot. If you are uncertain which method to use, contact [email protected].
Special on Duplicate Books
Through April, the National Toy Train Library is offering a 15% discount on duplicate books. Check out the latest list reflecting the new pricing, and call 717 687-8623, ext. 108, to verify availability and place your order.