model train set on track

More Puzzled?

e*Train Issue: Apr 2018   |   Posted in:

By Jan Athey and Lori Nyce Spring 2018 

Editor’s Note: Some years ago, former TCA Librarian Jan Athey started a series of puzzles that appeared in various mass emailings to members. The initial round of these were later recorded by TCA e*Train in this article.

The article included the statement: “Ah — puzzles! Yes, that’s often what we work on! And once in a while we get a chance to throw some puzzles back at the membership!” The Library, in fact, is a world treasure house of toy train information, and regularly aids members and the public in researching a multitude of topics, common and obscure. It’s part of TCA’s educational mission.

Now, we are pleased to add more, and to note that TCA’s current Librarian, Lori Nyce, has continued the task. So enjoy and test your wits!

If you have missed seeing these puzzles in the emails that are sent out several times a month to some 17,000 TCA members, make sure that you have your email address on file in your membership profile, and that your SPAM filter is not blocking us! These mailings keep you abreast of the latest TCA developments and add to the value of your membership.